We got these from Yvonne Tolley and they should be here any day now. First off, please check out my new sailor dress. Dontcha just love the pleats? Really shows off my hiney, too. Woo hoo.

And here's my new jumper....with pleats, too, of course. What's neat about Yvonne Tolley is that she made this JUST for me and says she'll not make it for any other pup, no matter what. So it's like a designer outfit, like you'd see in "Dogue" or "Dogsmopolitan".

Life is good. Turns out Uncle Rudy's former foster mom, Aunt Allie, is my "Nana", too. Oh, I DO love her. She's the one that FINALLY told my mom that us pups like cinnamon. YUM! And she shared her cinnamon bun with me. We also shared lots of snuggles and kisses.
Her hubby, Bill, is my "Poppa". He's really nice, too. His back hurt pretty bad so I was very gentle with him. I did NOT use his stomach for a trampoline (like I do with my mom). But I bet I could get a pretty good bounce out of him on a good day. Yup. I think so.
So, we've been busy with work, out-of-town guests that are more like family than guests, and also Mom had been busy fixing up the guest room for Allie and Bill. She's so happy to have company for a couple of reasons. One, it makes her get her act together and actually clean, and TWO, she likes to have her friends and family around her. I think I do a pretty good job keeping her company, but I know she loves her skin kids and relatives, too. And her Dad, my GrandPapa, who gives me ice cream and cuddles, is one of my favorites. He sits stiller than the rest of them so tummy rubs aren't so rushed.
I'll try harder to keep things up to date. Oh yes....WOW! Sonia came by to visit us today and brought Mom a little present from Jamaica, from her cruise. We sure miss her, but we're happy she's got another job she likes so well at the court. She's been gone for 3 months now.
That's all for now..
Love and smoochies....
Mary-Margaret O'Brien
PS - Dear Ben - I've been thinking about what my mom said about me being way too young for a boyfriend, so let's just be friends, ok? Besides, I don't want to end up in a love triangle and I think Abby is a very fine lady, and that you should be true to her. MMOB