...and we write letters to each other. I don't think she'd mind if I posted a couple. Our moms have been pretty busy and haven't had much time to help us with the blog, so here's our emails:
From Mary-Margaret to Sarabi:Where have you been? I really miss you and your letters. Did your Grandma come see you? I visited mine the other day. I tell YOUUU....some of these places that Grandmas live in are pretty snippy about dogs. I mean, they are absolutely RUDE!! My Grandma lives in a really super tall apartment right on the ocean in Santa Monica and there is a door man who never smiles at all. Mom says he's a concierge or something. I mean I can't even pronounce English words, let alone those French things. Anyway, he scowls a lot.
I have to go to work today to help Mom get out her billing. It doesn't seem so long ago that she did a billing before, but I guess time flies, or so I've heard. I'm getting really into my job, even jumping up on the chairs and the desk. I LIKE the desk. It makes me feel ever so important, but Mom and Sonia squeal and race to get me off. Something about me shredding something important, they say. To me, paper is paper, and it's MEANT to be shredded.
Well, I hope you're just really busy having fun and not sick or anything. Please let me know that things are ok for you?
Love, Mary-Margaret
From Sarabi to Mary-Margaret: I'm SO sorry I haven't been in touch. I feel really guilty. It's not my fault though, Mum and Dad have been so busy this past week I've been quite neglected let me tell you. I was thinking about contacting you and lodging a formal complaint with the appropriate authorities. A week ago Friday, Mum and Dad had a wedding to go to. The reception for that wedding wasn't until the following Sunday, but in between Mum got caught up helping Dad out with some catching up at work. Then some friends came in to visit from Florida and I have been on the back burner so to speak. We were talking about you last night however, maybe your ears were burning? Mum even read some of your blog to their friends, you're getting quite famous around here. We also gave them a copy of the Rainbow Bridge, because they have friends who have just lost 2 dogs.
Anyway I have told Mum enough is enough. We have been reading your blog religiously every night before bed but every time I've asked Mum to help me type a message she's said "not tonight Sarabi, I'm exhausted, we'll do it tomorrow, I promise." Well I don't think Mum knows what a promise is. I've had a serious talk with her about it and hopefully we'll be back on track next week.
My Nana doesn't arrive until June 12th. I can't wait! Maybe SHE won't neglect me. It sounds like you had a nice time visiting with your Grandma, except for that concierge. By the way don't forget that tomorrow is Mother's Day. Even though I'm a little mad with Mum I guess I'll still have to be nice to her, won't I?
From Mary-Margaret to Sarabi:OH, yesssssssssss! It's so hard to think of something nice for my mom, and I don't have an allowance or a charge card. So I have this plan, and I've been working on it all week. I will make Sunday a very special day for her. Here's what I'm doing.
Starting last week, I've made a point of NOT using my piddle pads unless she's standing right over me with a stern look on her face. And remember last Easter? Well, I've been making sure she doesn't forget, either. So tomorrow...my present will really MEAN something to her. I cross-my-heart-and-hope-to-die that I will NOT leave her any surprises anywhere. That is my present. Pretty thoughtful, don't you think??
Sometimes, we poor little pups just have to be creative in our gift giving. :o)
Love, Mary-Margaret